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Kelly Russell - fiddle, whistle, 'n other stuff
Sean Panting - vocals / guitars
Chris Batstone - bass
Adam Staple - drums / percussion

About the Band

- With the spirit of a Newfoundland kitchen party and the stomp of a Lollapalooza, KELLY RUSSELL & THE PLANKS arrive with their debut CD, Smashed Hits!

- Kelly Russell & The Planks bring a totally new approach to the folk/Celtic rock arena. Nine instrumentals and two songs showcase this bands' versatility and creativity in combining traditional Newfoundland fiddle tunes with flat-out, head down guitar crunch. It's Soundgarden meets the Chieftans. It's AC/DC meets Natalie McMaster. It's the Ramones meets Riverdance. But mostly, it's really really loud.

- This the first studio recording from a band formed over five years ago that has already performed to thousands of people at festivals in Toronto, Vancouver, Newfoundland, Ottawa, and elsewhere!

click here for pictures of THE PLANKS

- Kelly Russell is a longtime veteran of seminal Newfoundland traditional bands FIGGY DUFF, WONDERFUL GRAND BAND, PLANKERDOWN BAND, and BRISTOL'S HOPE, with years of recording and touring to his credit; The Planks are the alter-ego of Newfoundland's indie rock kings DRIVE, whose most recent CD Jehovah's Witness Protection Program spawned the MuchEast favorite NU TUNE.

Here's what "they" say about THE PLANKS....

"It's traditional tunes being reinvented, combining both a respect for the original tune with the sheer unbridled adrenaline addicting rock sounds that Drive has mastered. Russell's violin wails, throwing off sounds you never would've dreamed a fiddle could make. The end result is utterly electrifying." - the evening telegram, nov. 98

"a giddy tour through the Newfoundland psyche and a new definition of soul music from the 10th province... Drive's energy, volume, and verve match Russell's precision and discipline note for note... it's already reserving a space for itself on 1999's best-of list." - the halifax daily news, feb. 99

last updated Monday, September 13, 1999