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Kelly Russell & the Planks - Smashed Hits! |
- Kelly Russell & The Planks bring a totally new approach to the folk/Celtic rock arena. Nine instrumentals and two songs showcase this bands' versatility and creativity in combining traditional Newfoundland fiddle tunes with flat-out, head down guitar crunch. - It's Soundgarden meets the Chieftans. It's AC/DC meets Natalie McMaster. It's the Ramones meets Riverdance. But mostly, it's really really loud. "It's traditional tunes being reinvented, combining both a respect for the original tune with the sheer unbridled adrenaline addicting rock sounds that Drive has mastered. Russell's violin wails, throwing off sounds you never would've dreamed a fiddle could make. The end result is utterly electrifying." - the evening telegram, nov. 98
"A giddy tour through the Newfoundland psyche and a new definition of soul music from the 10th province... Drive's energy, volume, and verve match Russell's precision and discipline note for note... it's already reserving a space for itself on 1999's best-of list." - the halifax daily news, feb. 99 Engineered by Tom Ronan and Chris Batstone Mixed by Tom Ronan and Kelly Russell & the Planks © 1998 Alice Productions / Pigeon Inlet Productions |